Engagement Services
Do you have children or youth in your community who are disengaged? Maybe your community or neighbourhood is seeing youth people who are having a hard time fitting in and are needing some extra guidance. We can work with you, your school or organization to bring these same tools and resources to your neighbourhood, community or organization. Our Engagement Specialists also work 1:1 with the children, youth and their families to assist in connecting them to necessary resources and services available.
For more information: Contact Us

Little Warriors
Focused on ages 6-10 we provide Engagement Services. H.O.P. Youth picks children up from all over the city and brings them together to provide a variety of engaging activities, including a meal. Creating a safe place for kids to have the opportunity to have fun, be a kid and try new things. Our Engagement Specialists work with each child and their families to provide activities and opportunities to build confidence and develop self esteem.
To register Click Here!
Modern Warriors
The Modern Warriors works with youth ages 11 - 17. With a focus being on building life skills in practical ways and allowing youth to explore and develop their gifting and talents. Our Engagement Specialists work with each youth and their families to provide a variety of activities and opportunities to build confidence and develop self esteem.
To register Click Here!

Odd Job Squad
HOP Youth Odd Job Squad is committed to providing local youth with opportunities to gain employment as well as necessary life skills. Haven't had a chance to get to that chore around the house? The Odd Job Squad is just a call away!
Speaking Engagements
Would you like to hear more? Bryan's Story is one that will encourage you to never give up believing, in yourself or, in someone. In those darkest moments when you feel all hope is lost: There's still hope.
It doesn't matter what choices have been made there's still room for change.
For more information or to book Bryan to speak at your event: Contact Us

Thank yoU!
We always want to say a great big thank you to the funders that make this happen. Here is just a few of those that assist in ensuring the children are able to receive these Engagement Services